Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The lady that prayed to trees

   I was looking at some of the older pictures from my phone, as I do periodically, deleting ones that I no longer felt were necessary to have close to me anymore. Usually this is because the experience I had when I took the picture no longer had as much importance to me, or because the picture itself no longer seemed to capture that time as well. Either way, looking through these pictures is always enjoyable, often makes me smile, and sometimes reminds me of something which I previously had seemed to forget.
   This is a picture of an older woman that I used to see walking around Stow Lake here in Golden Gate Park, where I walk daily. She was about 4"11", and always wore the same tracksuit you see in this picture. Although I wouldn't see her everyday, when I would, I found her intriguing; she would at times veer from the walking path, put her hands together like she was praying, and touch a particular tree. I would see her do this on occasion, and it always helped me appreciate even more the beautiful surroundings we were both sharing at that moment. 
   It took a few months of seeing one another for us to eventually say something, and I would say hello to her, while her response would always be "good morning, sir".  It took some time after that for me to finally get up the nerve to ask her what kind of religion she practiced with the trees, and she told me that it wasn't a religion at all, "just something I do".  The fact that I had asked seemed to amuse her.
   I haven't seen her in many months now, and I'm a little ashamed in some way that it took my looking through my phone to remind me of her. 

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