There is something that both bothers and saddens me a bit when I see people jogging with their babies in strollers. It's been somewhat difficult to tease out why this is, and even though I do not see them very frequently, there is a kind of disdain which wells up inside of me when I do.
Searching online the technical term for these things for the writing of this blog, I learn that they are called "running strollers", a name that interestingly and coincidentally, seems at least in part to capture some of what I find most distasteful about them, as they are rather conspicuously named for the one running rather than for the one being hurdled around. Obviously, the name wouldn't be aimed to the strolled as they are not the ones with the purchasing power, but it nonetheless implies an uneveness in the pairing that bothers me.
I often feel like I'm missing something because I don't feel as busy as other people appear to be, nor do I have great difficulty finding the time to do things that I need to or want to. I enjoy my life much more when I take my time and do not feel rushed, nor do I have the desire to need to be that way, but I still have the (probably false) impression that I should be.
Contrarily, this strolller appears geared towards the members of the population that need to "kill two birds with one stone" because their time is that limited, that valuable.
It's probably an ailment of being human that it can be so hard at times to accept oneself as is, and I seem to have way too many ideas about myself transmitted from my parents that most likely aren't true and are not beneficial to me. Seeing them as such is not so easy, though.
In this regard, there was an unsaid when I was growing up that I only did what was easy for me (this implied in a way that I should feel guilty about it), that I was perhaps lazy. If the natural outcome of this then for me as an adult was that I would not care to be an achiever (the kind of person that I imagine running strollers appeal to), I think that I can honestly say that I am comfortable with that moniker.
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